fredag 28. november 2014

Learning to play the piano etc....

Hi guys!

Just a wee blogpost for all my non-Norwegian speaking fans out there. My mom says I'm not a bilingual dog yet because I don't know what treats and walk and outside means, but I don't care. I know what wee means, and I think that qualifies me as a half-Scottish dog.

So anyway, life in Edinburgh has been quite busy (ever since we moved here, actually...). So many corners to sniff and so many of those little greys dogs who never want to play with me, even though all I want is to play with them (edit: my mom says: "They're not dogs they're squirrels". Whatever). AND SO many rain drops to catch!!

In addition to learning English, I've started learning how to play the piano. I used to play Bark in out family band, but they told be I would be kicked out of the band if I didn't learn a proper instrument (wow... parents....). I tried the guitar but it wasn't really a success.... So... Have a wee look if you want ;-) 

Off to black Friday shopping now, see yous later!

tirsdag 4. november 2014


På søndag hadde ho mamma vore på ein stor hundebutikk, og då hadde ho kjøpt med masse stas til meg! Eg fekk meg nytt halsband (rosa med raude hjarte), økologiske frukostkjeks, tannpussegodbitar, og ein TREAT BALL! Eg aner ikkje kva treat ball tyder, men det funkar sånn at ho mamma legg noko godt inni han, og så må eg få det ut. Så langt har eg ikkje funne ut korleis eg skal få godteriet ut gjennom det lille holet i ballen, men eg har prøvd i heile dag å bjeffe på det for å sjå om det kan lurast ut med høgt volum!

Eg føler meg ganske hes no, eigentleg, og ho mamma har sagt at viss eg ikkje sluttar å bjeffe så får eg ikkje leike meir med ballen?! Men eg skjønner ikkje korleis godbitane skal kome ut då. Har du tips til korleis eg skal få lokka ut godbitane, legg det gjerne att i kommentarfeltet!

Tussa <3